
We seek to make products, which would complement the knowledge and assist the clinician in making faster and accurate diagnosis.

Optic Cup to Disc Ratio Calculation using Deep Convolutional Network

Mrinal Haloi
Posted On

The Deep Learning Computer model in reading Diabetic Retinopathy & Normal Images

Sriram Sonty & Visweswararao Durga
Published on
5th March 2017

The Deep Learning Model based Computer solution in reading Diabetic Retinopathy & Normal Images

Sriram Sonty & Visweswararao Durga
Posted On

WVNet augmented diagnosis - the potential of deep learning to assist radiologists for faster and accurate decision making

Mrinal Haloi
Published on
27th March 2020

Towards Ophthalmologist Level Accurate Deep Learning System for OCT Screening and Diagnosis

Mrinal Haloi
Published On

Towards Radiologist-Level Accurate Deep Learning System for Pulmonary Screening

Mrinal Haloi, K. Raja Rajalakshmi, Pradeep Walia
Published on
25th June 2018

Rethinking Convolutional Semantic Segmentation Learning

Mrinal Haloi
Published On
22nd October 2017

Deep Learning: Generalization Requires Deep Compositional Feature Space Design

Mrinal Haloi
Published on
8th July 2017

Diabetic Retinopathy Screening using Deep Learning Technology

Pradeep K Walia, Raja Rajalakshmi, Mrinal Haloi, Mohammad Fazal Kamal
Published On

The Deep Learning Computer model in reading Diabetic Retinopathy & Normal Images

Pradeep K Walia, Raja Rajalakshmi, Mohammad Fazal Kamal
Published on

Towards Human Level Accurate Deep Learning System for Diabetic Reinopathy Screening

Mrinal Haloi, Lalit Pant, Anurag Sahay, Pradeep Walia
Published On